Mayor & Aldermen

Rules for Addressing the Board at City Hall Meetings

The City of Decherd has an open door policy. Citizens who wish to be placed on the agenda to address the board of mayor and aldermen with a concern about any employee, service or any current proposals being considered by the board should first contact the city administrator or mayor with your concern. We encourage you to come to City Hall so we can address your concern. If you feel your concern has not been addressed, then you may request to be placed on the agenda to address the board. No requests to be placed on the agenda will be permitted unless you have first addressed your concern with the appropriate city official.

At the designated time during the board meeting, citizens on the agenda will be called upon first. Then, others who wish to address the board must raise their hand and be acknowledged by the Chair. At all times those who address the board must state their name and address, state their concern and be respectful of the board. You will be allotted three minutes unless waived by the Chair.

These rules are put in place so the board can conduct city business effectively and efficiently, while still providing an opportunity for a respectful exchange of concerns and ideas from the citizenry.

You may view the City Charter at the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS).

You may view the Municipal Code at the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS).